In class this past month, we were assigned a music marketing project. The goal of this project was to create a marketing campaign for an imaginary artist/group that we create. We were responsible for building the brand from the bottom up and using our marketing campaign to introduce our imaginary artist/group to the public.
For our project, three other classmates and I created a new band called Reckless X. We wanted to develop our brand based on the ideas of freedom, independence, and rejection of mainstream ideas for our brand. To accomplish this, we decided that the target audience for our band was a mixture of both male and females from ages 16 to 25. At this age, teens go through the struggle of wanting to be free from life holding them down; they want to be independent in their daily lives. The brand we wanted to develop would be easily relatable by people at this age, thus making it more successful.
For this project, we studied a band called “Vampire Weekend” to see what the current marketing trends were within our genre. What we found is that Vampire Weekend uses services like YouTube as a tool to live stream their concerts to viewers, which will show them how much of an incredible experience they are and will encourage them to come to a show themselves. Because of this, one of our marketing tactics was to use Periscope as a platform to live stream our concerts. We would utilize Periscope to live stream our concerts to our own followers, so they can get a sneak peek of how engaging our concerts are and will be inspired to attend one themselves. For the alternative genre, live concerts are still a very successful tool as they have not been grossly impacted by the modern increase in the digital distribution of music. Alternative consumers tend to crave a more personal connection with the bands they interact with, and the use of live shows accomplishes just that.
We also studied an alternative brand called “The Script.” We found that in addition to distributing their music on streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music, they also continue to distribute tangible media on their website. The Script utilizes tangible media because of the personal connection it establishes between the artist and the consumer. This concept is necessary for the alternative genre; so, in our case, it would allow us to be more successful.
Additionally, we decided to create a website to act as a hub for all of the platforms from our brand. On our website, a user can: buy merchandise, purchase tickets to a live show, learn more about the band, take part in discussions with other music lovers, and access all social media and music distribution platforms. Our website serves as a marketing tool to connect our users with all aspects of our brand.
Throughout this project, I learned how each aspect of a marketing campaign is a conscious choice that is made to develop the brand. Moreover, each choice must be consistent between all aspects of a production/campaign. For example, it would not be wise for an artist with a target audience of 15-20-year-olds to do a live show at a 21+ nightclub. Their desired audience would not be able to attend the live show, resulting in an inconsistency between how they want to develop their brand and how their brand is actually being developed. In the music video we created, we made sure to include multiple shots of the band riding into the sunset in a beautiful convertible. The deeper meaning behind this is being free from anything holding you back. This reinforced the ideals that we wanted to build our brand off of: freedom, independence, and rejection of mainstream ideas. Each decision we made throughout the whole project was a conscious choice that served to develop our brand.

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