
Check out my Instagram!

 Hello! Last week, I decided that I will create a social media page for my docuseries on Instagram. I decided to use Instagram because it is the best service for reaching my target audience and because it primarily uses images as a way of sharing information. Take a look at my page here:


Informational Posts

One element that I decided to include on my social media page is informational posts. These postings contain general information about nature, the environment, and the National Parks. Take this post as an example:

This post contains an alarming statistic about global warming. When potential viewers are viewing this page, the informational posts will serve to educate them. From animal species to global warming, informational posts serve to evoke a psychological reaction from the viewer. For example, in the post above, the statistic serves to scare/"wake up" the viewer. After reading this post, the viewer will be more cognisant about the environment, which will make them more likely to watch the docuseries. These informational posts do a great job of getting potential viewers interested in the topic so they will be more willing to watch the production.

Engaging Visuals

Another element that I made sure to include on my social media page is engaging visuals. From vibrant colors to breathtaking images of nature, the visuals that are on my media page were handpicked in order to best grab the attention of my target audience. 

The beautiful pictures of nature, like the one shown above, serves to attract people to the social media page. When a potential viewer sees an engaging image like this one, they will be more likely to click on the post and browse the rest of the page. With that, it will be more likely that the user ends up watching the docuseries, as they ended up seeing the rest of the content on the page, including flyers and advertisements that work to encourage users to watch.

Docuseries Promotional Posts

Another element I made sure to add to my social media page is promotional posts about America's Greatest National Parks. Although these posts are not as eye-catching as the others, they serve a very important purpose of giving users the information they need to actually watch the production. This includes the full name, the date of release, and where to watch. As users begin to browse the page after clicking on a more engaging image, they will see these promotional posts which would give them the tools to go through with viewing the piece. These postings are some of the most important ones on the whole social media page, as they directly serve to market/promote my docuseries to my target audience.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more!

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